banana tree frog

Or, a tree frog on a banana tree.

frog1-hicolorfrog1-bw-blog Yes, there are banana trees that can live in cold climates.  Assuming you cut them back and cover them with a deep layer of mulch for the winter, they will survive and grow back in the spring.  This particular banana tree grows in a yard a few blocks away, and last week it was visited by a small green tree frog.

frog2-colorfrog2-bw(Like Nanny Ogg in Terry Prachett’s wonderful books, I can spell “banana” but I am not always sure where to stop.)

Taken with Nexus 5 phone camera and edited using the editing suite in Google Photos.  I raised color and contrast slightly and added some filter effects.  I particularly like the black and white results, especially the scuff marks on the leaves in the fourth image.

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7 Responses to banana tree frog

  1. Wolfie says:

    Very nice photos. I don’t see that variety of tree frog near me. Also didn’t know about cold-weather bananas. Can they bear fruit?

    • Pam Bliss says:

      I’m pretty proud of this set. Finally getting the hang of this editing suite, particularly the filter set. And the tree frog is a great model–he really holds still. I actually had the dog with me when I took these and the frog did not budge.

      No, the banana tree does not set fruit–or at least it has not done so so far. This is either its third or its fourth year.

  2. Rick Santman says:

    WOW! Global warning has REALLY warmed up northern Indiana!

    • Pam Bliss says:

      Since our neighbor planted her banana tree and I started watching it, I’ve noticed several others in local gardens. I bet there are some in Michigan too. I’lll take some pictures of the whole plant so you can compare it with some of the other big leafed tropicals you see around your neighborhood. They do need to be “put to bed” for the winter– our neighbor cuts it back to within nine inches or so of the ground in October sometime and buries it about three or four feet deep in mulch (restrained by a little fence)– but it comes roaring back in the spring and seems to be thriving with just some watering in dry periods. The leaves get a bit tattered in high wind but that only gives it a rakish charm. It’s one of my favorite neighborhood plants.

  3. Rick Santman says:

    (Makes plans to plant a mango tree in back yard)

  4. Rick Santman says:

    Ehh, I was just jokin’ about the mango tree.

    But I very nearly DID get sucked in last time I looked through the spring seed catalog.
    Seems that there’s a species of kiwi fruit that does well in Michigan-style climates, something found growing in Siberia of all places, according to the hype. I could envision myself setting up a really burly trellis and putting in a half dozen plants and noshing on a bazillion kiwi fruits every summer.

    Fortunately, sanity set in and I went to the grocery store and bought a few kiwis instead.

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